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WASHINGTON—U.S. Senators Dan Sullivan (R-Alaska) and seven colleagues have introduced legislation to prohibit the Biden administration from banning gas stoves. The “Save Our Gas Stoves Act” explicitly prohibits the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) from implementing a proposed rule that would impose intrusive and costly standards on the kitchen stovetops of millions of Americans. The Biden Administration is currently defending efforts of localities to implement bans on gas stove. Companion legislation was introduced in the House by Representative Debbie Lesko (R-Ariz.).

“For the last two and a half years, Americans have been forced to foot the bill for this administration’s destructive energy policies,” Senator Sullivan said. “They have restricted energy production at nearly every opportunity, killing and delaying pipelines and infrastructure, strong-arming the financial sector to blackball American energy, and appointing officials with radical anti-energy views to some of our government’s highest offices. And now, Biden officials have signaled they want to come for our gas stoves. Doing so would increase costs and disproportionately harm rural and working-class Americans where alternatives are limited and often costly. Our legislation makes sure this intrusive rule never sees the light of day.”

“Washington bureaucrats are constantly cooking up new ways to control the lives of everyday Americans,” said Senator Joni Ernst. “As many Iowans are struggling to put food on the table, the last thing they need is federal mandates in the kitchen. I’m proud to work with my colleagues to protect gas stoves and will keep working to push back against big government.”

“At a time when families across Nebraska are concerned about high inflation and the southern border crisis, Washington bureaucrats are considering whether to cancel gas stoves,” Senator Fischer said. “It’s ridiculous. The 38% of the American people who have a gas stove or range don’t need more of the federal government intruding into their lives. I’ll keep fighting against the reckless regulations we continue to see from this administration that harm working families.”

“The current administration has shown time and time again that they are anti-energy, but now they are trying to dictate what people can use in their kitchen by proposing a rule that would essentially ban gas stoves,” Senator Capito said. “I’m proud to join my Senate colleagues in introducing this legislation that will stop government overreach and prohibit the Department of Energy from implementing rules that would force consumers to buy a kitchen product based on the energy source and not based on what makes the most sense economically. I will continue to fight regulations and policies that are disconnected from reality and could ultimately harm Americans economically.”

“As I’ve said before, the federal government has no business telling Americans how to cook their dinner,” Senator Manchin said. “Unfortunately, the Department of Energy has chosen to enter into America’s kitchens with a proposed rule that would push out gas stoves. While I appreciate that these rules would only apply to new stoves, my view is that it’s part of a broader, administration-wide regulatory effort to eliminate fossil fuels. As the Chairman of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, I am proud to support this legislation that would help ensure this Administration doesn’t eliminate consumer choice and make life even more expensive for the hard-working men and women of this country.”

“The federal government has no business dictating what kind of appliances North Carolinians can or can’t use when preparing a meal for their family,” Senator Budd said. “Using energy efficiency as an excuse to effectively ban devices used by many Americans is the latest example of the out-of-control federal bureaucracy. That’s why I’m proud to join my colleagues in this effort to stop the latest radical environmental insanity and save our gas stoves.”

“Nothing is off limits to the radical Left’s Green New Deal agenda,” said Senator Mullin. “I stand with my colleagues in protecting Americans’ ability to make their own choices as consumers. Not to mention, Democrats’ push for this ban could not be more out of touch with the financial hardships Americans are facing due to their failed policies. I’m glad to join this bill to get Washington out of our kitchens and our pocketbooks.”

“There is perhaps no greater example of government overreach than the radical attempts to eradicate the use of gas stoves,” Senator Britt said. “I’m proud to join Senator Sullivan and my colleagues in introducing this commonsense measure to ensure that hardworking American families continue to have access to affordable appliance choices for their homes.”



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